Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Capstone: Week 1 Conclusion

Over this past week, my class and I have been discussing and researching with each other to get closer to our core idea for our big final project, Capstone. For those that don't know, the Capstone is a large final project of our choosing to put together everything we have learned over the past few years to present to companies and our peers at the end. The overall topic I have chosen is something to do with video games. I was originally thinking a psa or something along those lines to bring video games into a more positive light and show that the normal negative connotations are false. However, it just isn't deep enough. A lot of talk has gone on and I need to focus on a particular problem with video games and figure a way to solve it. A couple problems I have looked at is not being as physically active as one should be or the lack of educational benefits behind it. Over the next week, I am hoping to both find a problem and find research along with it to prevent the problem from continuing.

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