Monday, April 29, 2013

Reflection to Capstone

Well 16 weeks ago I had no clue what I was going to do my capstone on and now I have created an amazing website on a topic that is important to me as well as handling an important problem, health. This project has given me some real insight on what it will be like to work on projects and the real world and the many changes that must be made in order to come out with a beautiful looking site. I have learned to properly research and look to all things for inspiration, not just things that pertain to my particular topic. Most of all, I learned how drastically a topic can change from its initial concept. I have encountered points like that in my other projects, but nothing to the extent of this project. Overall, it was a great learning experience and I'm pleased that I made it to the end because I can look back and proudly say that I have really improved my skill set as a designer and am ready to tackle real challenges outside of school.

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